Who is Jason Coward?

…and why is he doing this?

A head shot of Jason Coward

Hello! My name is Jason Coward. I work in tech as a web software architect, but I have a deep passion for photography and drumming. I reside in beautiful Durango, Colorado, with my son, Austin, and my inspiring girlfriend, Lisa. I learned film photography in high school in the 1980s on a Minolta X-700. I didn't pick up digital until I got a Nikon D80 in the early 2000s. A few years later, I switched to a D5300 when my D80 was intentionally smashed to pieces (a story for another time). I finally moved to full-frame mirrorless in 2022 when I purchased a Nikon Z5. I mostly enjoy nature and landscape photography but also dabble in other genres when the opportunity arises.

Connect with Me

I have a lot of work left to do on this site, so check back for frequent updates. You can contact me by email via photography@jasoncoward.com if you have questions, suggestions, or just want to connect.


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If you want to keep up with my work, I publish a newsletter once or twice a week with the photographs I have taken or that I have been processing recently, along with relevant stories or other context to go along with the images. I am presenting this as an alternative to sharing my work on social media because I would like to see the internet continue to move away from the platforms we have little or no control over. Let's make the internet personal again!

If you do not want to subscribe via email, you can check back HERE regularly to see the content I am creating.

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